Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kisah Bukit Yang Ada 18 Billion Disposible Diaper Dan Mungkin Lebih Lagi

oh oh..kawan-kawan, mommy  and daddy semua...

i had search and search and search for info how bad the disposable cloth diaper will be.
recently, hanis terjumpa this marvellous discovery by national geography documentary...discussing how bad we had harm the earth, ony by using disposable diaper...

ia nampak semudah 'pakai dan buang'
tetapi, ia tentang betapa banyak pengorbanan yang bumi perlu hadapi, untuk membuat disposable diaper.
dan lagi, selepas beberapa jam menggunakan disposable diaper itu, bumi juga kena tanggung bebannya.

3,796 disposable diaper untuk lebih kurang 2 & 1/2  tahun sepanjang penggunaannya sejak bayi, untuk average 4 keping sehari.
itu 'membukitkan' landfill sehingga 18 billion soiled disposable diaper, in US only! tambah dengan seluruh dunia?

Itu baru sehari, kalau 6? 8? 10 keping?
dan, itu untuk avrage 2 & 1/2 tahun penggunaan...kalau extend lagi tempoh penggunaan, sebab anak belum potty trained sepenuhnya?
oh bumi... tangan manusia ini sendiri yang memusnahkan bumi secara tidak langsung?

lepas tu, it 

macam mana kalau kita kira cost pulak..
beribu-riban habis, untuk 'buang' je
the conveniece is there, tapi package dengan 'harmfull' effect too..

sedihnya encik bumi kita..

image googled at

sungguh, semenjak saya mula ambil tahu pasal alam sekitar, rentetan dari info untuk cloth diaper ini, saya tidak pernah melihat apa-apa dengan konsep 'pakai buang' sama seperti dahulu lagi..

disposable diapers?
now cloth diaper is everywhere, easy to ge `3.
mahal? the affordable one, even a plain square.lampin can be use with cover that use the same material as cloth diaper

saya gunakan kain lampin biasa?
betul!...even me, the cloth diaper reseller still using square lampin too..ada caranya untuk buat ia lebih menyerap lebih banyak basahan, i'll share that later, with pictorial guide..hehe (banyak sungguh hut 

Yup, saya akui...its a matter of individual choice.

plastik for shopping groceries?
i opt for reusable bags!
sungguh, leceh nak usung ke sana kumari, kot-kot tershopping..
tapi sekurang-kurangnya. sedikit usaha itu, Allah lebih berkati, daripada tiada langsung ikhtiar...

pinggan, sudu, paper cup pakai buang?
no need.. saya rela beli stok pinggan banyak-banyak..
kena basuh pun, baaaasuh laaaaa... (^^,)

oh ye, saya tiada pembantu rumah,
saya dan encik hubby saling bantu membantu...hehe

ini ada artikel meanrik tentang 'The Disposable Diapers Myths"
antara point yang diperkatakan;
My comment in purple text

1.  "...the figures used in this study are somewhat outdated. It is even worse today than when this was written over a decade ago."

Jumlah sebenar disposable diapers dalam landfill adalah jauh lebih mneakutkan sekarang, kerana ketika artikel ini dekaluarkan sedekad lalu, ia telah mencecah 18 billion!
oh...sekarang lebih banyak daripada 18billion?  (-___-")

2.  "What started out as a marketer's dream of drier, happier, more comfortable babies has become a solid-waste nightmare of squandered material resources, skyrocketing economics, and a growing health hazard, set against the backdrop of dwindling landfill capacity in a country driven by consumption.

hmm...betullah 'package purchase' every time we buy disposable diapers.
the hidden agenda is scary 

3. And, as many parents know, a child can run through 8,000 to 10,000 diapers before becoming fully toilet trained.

Huhu..8,000 -10,000 diapers for a child?
the number getting bigger

4. "...use of this product in the U.S. alone wastes nearly 100,000 tons of plastic and 800,000 tons of pulp derived from trees."

the harmfull effect since th beginning of the making of disposable diapers 

5. The single-use diaper has gotten a free ride for too long. It is time that parents, health care providers, solid waste managers and public policy makers begin to consider seriously the problems caused by, and the alternatives to, the single-use diaper. It's time for a change! 

we have many option now...act before its too late

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